Annual Business Forum 2012

Staðsetning: Hilton Reykjavik Nordica

On February 15th the Iceland Chamber of Commerce will host its annual Business Forum at Hilton Reykjavík Nordica. The title of this year’s Forum is “What is the Value of Business and Industry?”. A particular focus of the Forum will be the importance of business for economic growth and standards of living. Each business sector´s contribution to growth will be examined and the value they create for Icelandic society as a whole. Additionally, a particular emphasis will be put on the need for a long-term comprehensive growth strategy for Iceland, clear objectives and coordinated execution of plans.

As is customary, the Chairman of the Iceland Chamber of Commerce, Tómas Már Sigurðsson, will address the meeting. Other speakers include Jón Sigurðsson, CEO of Össur, Birkir Hólm Guðnason, CEO of Icelandair, Hugrún Árnadóttir, CEO of Kron, Þorsteinn Már Baldvinsson, CEO of Samherji, Katrín Pétursdóttir, CEO of Lýsi, Gestur G. Gestsson, CEO of Advania and Katrín Jakobsdóttir Minister of Education, Science and Culture.

The Forums agenda is as follows:

13:30 Registration
13:45 Opening remarks by the meetings moderator
Dr. Finnur Oddsson, Managing Director of the Chamber
13:50 Address by the Chamber's chairman - Value of Business and Industry
Tómas Már Sigurðsson
14:05 Jón Sigurðsson, CEO of Össur
14:25 Adward of Honorary Membership - Katrín Pétursdóttir CEO of Lýsi
14:35 Coffee break
15:00 Award of yearly Chamber Scholarships - Katrín Jakobsdóttir Minister of Education, Science and Culture
15:10 Gestur G. Gestsson, CEO of Advania
15:25 Birkir Hólm Guðnason, CEO of Icelandair
15:40 Hugrún Árnadóttir, CEO of Kron
15.55 Þorsteinn Már Baldvinsson, CEO of Samherji
16:10 Growth plan and vision for future
16:20 Networking & Opportunities - Refreshments will be served

Registration opens at 13.30 and the agenda will commence at 13.45. Following the Forum, at 16.20, the Chamber will host a reception for all attendees. The Forum should provide good insights into the development of the Icelandic economy over the last decades, the structure of Iceland’s business environment, current challenges and future prospects. Translation services in English will be provided.

Admission fee for member firms is ISK 12.000 and ISK 15.000 for others. For registration, please contact the Chamber’s office by email or by telephone +354 510 7100.

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