Summer Reception and Barbecue

Staðsetning: Hyde Park - London

The British-Icelandic Chamber of Commerce will host an evening summer reception at The Dell in Hyde Park, London on Thursday 8th June. This is a good chance to see all your friends, fellow members and business contacts before the summer break.


Date                             Thursday 8th June 2006

Venue                          The Dell, Hyde Park (see map here)

Time                             18:30 - 21:00

Admission                    Members                     £15 incl. VAT to be paid on arrival

                                     Non-Members              £20 incl. VAT to be paid on arrival

Directions: Nearest tube station Knightsbridge, exit 1 to North Knightsbridge and Hyde Park. Walk through Edinburgh Gate to the east side of the Serpentine. You will find The Dell next to the Weir.


Please register with or

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