Viðskiptaráð Íslands

Future of the Seafood Industry in Germany and Iceland

Staðsetning: Bremen

Future of the Seafood Industry in

Germany and Iceland
Conference in Bremen on 12 February 2008
During the Fish International Trade Fair   

How do Germany and Iceland meet the challenges for the seafood industry and what are their visions for the future? How would it be possible to better align the security of international competitiveness with the sustained management of stocks and the protection of the ocean’s ecological systems?

The fishing industries in both Germany and Iceland face similar challenges, even if the general conditions under which they operate are different. In both countries, the fishing industry has experienced far-reaching structural changes and faced the challenges of both European and international markets. In Iceland, fishing and fish processing still form the backbone of the country’s economy, whereby Icelandic companies are increasingly operating and investing around the world. The German fishing industry is completely integrated in the EU’s common fisheries policy and subject to joint directives, from harvest rules to processing and marketing. Securing a sustained fisheries management, environmental compatibility, the regulation of quotas, retraceability and certification are of vital importance for both countries, even if they do not always have uniform concepts on how this should be structured.

On the occasion of the Fish International Trade Fair 2008 in Bremen, following parties invite you to a conference with the Icelandic Minister of Fishery, Einar K. Guðfinnsson, and high-ranking representatives of the fishing industries from both countries:  

· Embassy of the Republic of Iceland in Germany  
· Glitnir Bank  
· German-Icelandic Chamber of Commerce / Representative of the German 
  economy in Iceland
· Fish International, Bremen  

This conference will attempt to find answers to current issues and give a forecast of the future. Discussions will be held on joint challenges and the possibilities they open up: how do representatives of the fishing industries in Germany and Iceland see the future? What do Icelandic investors think of the German market? What are the perspectives for the fisheries policy?


Where: Fish International 2008 
            Bremen Trade Fair 
            Fairgrounds, Hall 7, VIP-Lounge
            Theodor-Heuss-Allee 21-23
            28215 Bremen/Germany 

When:   Tuesday, 12 February 2008, 10.00 - 13.00   

Please send your registration to: 

The Embassy of the Republic of Iceland
c/o Dr. Birte Bernau
Rauchstr. 1
10787 Berlin / Germany
Tel: +49 30 5050-4180 / +354 545 7826
Fax: +49 30 5050-4310

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