Staðsetning: Milanó
The Icelandic-Italian Business Day
Palazzo Marino (Sala dellAlessi), Piazza della Scala 2, Milano
26 May 2008
09:30 10:00 Registration
10:00 10:20 Opening of the event
Guðjón Rúnarsson, Chairman, Icelandic-Italian Chamber of Commerce.
Letizia Moratti, Mayor of Milan
H.E. Guðlaugur Þ. Þórðarson, Icelandic Minister for Health
10:20 10:35 The Icelandic Economy
Speaker: Grétar Már Sigurðsson, Permanent Secretary of State, Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade.
10:35 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 11:25 Investment opportunities in
Iceland: Why do business in Iceland? Speaker: Þórður Hilmarsson, Director, Invest in Iceland Agency
Data Centres in Iceland
Carbon Fibre Manufacturing
Biotechnology Opportunities
Iceland as an International Finance Centre
11:25 11:40 Expanding Italian business to Iceland
Rosanna Foresti Rosenthal, President, Becromal
Aldo Fasan, Vice President, Becromal
11:40 12:00 The Icelandic export sectors
Speaker: Guðjón Svansson, Director, Market Development, Icelandic Trade Council
12:00 12:30 Bridging the Gap: From Iceland to Italy and vice versa
A representative from Landsbanki Iceland;
Antonio Urbano, Managing Director, Landsbanki / Kepler, Milan.
Sigurður Þorsteinsson, Partner of Design Group Italia and Managing Director of Blue Lagoon Spa and Skincare: Islanda e Italia creano insieme
12:30 13:00 Tourism introduction
Davíð Jóhannsson, Director, Continental Europe, Icelandic Tourist Board: Tourism in Iceland & the Italian Market
Guðrún Sigurðardóttir, Director, Island Tours, Lecco
Stephen Brown, Director, Icelandair, Paris: Questestate vado in Islanda!
13:00 14:30 Buffet luncheon with Icelandic delicacies at Palazzo Marino, prepared by Icelandic Master Chef, Leifur Kolbeinsson
14:30 16:30 B2B meetings between potential business partners
20:00 Nature and beyond! at Residenza Liberty, Corso
Vercelli 57 An evening of Icelandic culture and travelling possibilities in Iceland.
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